Bringing Professional Concerts to our Town
The Theatre

The idea for a Fine Arts & Multi Media Center to be included with the Community Learning Campus grew out of an extensive community engagement process and was a response to needs identified by the Community, Schools and Olds College.
The Fine Arts Theatre in the Fine Arts and Multi Media Centre features a 390-soft seat performing arts theatre and integrates various high school programming components including band, art, drama, stained glass and cosmetology. The community is able to enjoy theatre, recitals, choir, dance performances, and festivals – including the annual Olds and District Kiwanis Music Festival.
The Kiwanis Club of Olds collaborated with Olds College and Chinook’s Edge School Division to raise funds through a campaign that began in September 2007 and was completed in April 2009. The Kiwanis Club raised $187,132 to purchase 390 theatre seats for the Fine Arts Theatre. All 390 seats have a plaque with a dedication or acknowledgement on it.
Having completed the Seat Campaign, the Kiwanis Club of Olds felt an ownership to the Fine Arts Theatre and decided to remain connected by forming a Performing Arts Society to present a professional concert series. A committee was formed and began planning the 2009-2010 concert series. Through the Kiwanis Club of Olds a Board of Directors was appointed and in 2009 Society status was applied for, thus establishing the Olds Kiwanis Performing Arts Society. The Performing Arts Society presents a professional concert series, consisting of five concerts, between October and April of each year. We also present special concerts and sponsor a concert in Olds Elementary School, Deer Meadow School and Holy Trinity School.
All concerts begin at 7:30 PM.
All patrons require a ticket regardless of age.
Wheelchair seating is available but is limited, so please call 403-507-9738 or 403-556-3498
There are no refunds or exchanges on tickets unless a concert is cancelled.
Ticket prices include service charges and GST.
Theatre Notes
No food or drinks allowed in the seating area (Except bottled water)
To reduce interruption to performers and patrons latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the house manager.
The use of flash photography or recording devises strictly prohibited
Please turn of pagers and cell phones before entering the theatre.